Structural and functional mapping of brain regions controlling eye movements and cognitive functions in marmosets

Research period : 2019-2023
Principal Investigator
尾上 浩隆

Hirotaka Onoe

Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto Univeristy

By analyzing the eye movements and accompanying neural activities in marmosets, we aim to (I) identify the neuronal networks of the cortex and subcortex (especially the superior colliculus) involved in the control of eye movements and spatial attention, and elucidate the mechanisms of the circuit underlying control of higher order cognitive functions; (II) visualize the dynamics in cortical neurons identified by a retrograde viral vector using multiphoton endoscopic fluorescence microscopy with a GRIN lens; and (III) establish an early biomarker of the eye movement control system in disease model marmosets.

  • Masatoshi Kasai

    Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto Univeristy
  • Tadashi Isa

    Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto Univeristy