- Neurodegenerative diseases group
Understanding the mechanism of Aβ-induced aggregated tau propagation and neurocircuit degeneration in Alzheimer's disease
Research period : 2019-2023
Principal Investigator

Taisuke Tomita
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
We will clarify the pathological relationship between amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition, the earliest pathological changes in Alzheimer disease (AD), and propagation of aggregated tau that causes the neurodegeneration. We will also elucidate the earliest damaged neurocircuit in the pathological process of AD using patient samples and disease models. Our research will highlight the key neuronal circuit that is damaged by Aβ-induced aggregated tau propagation and lead to an understanding of the conversion process from preclinical stage to AD.
Takeshi Ikeuchi
Brain Research Institute, Niigata University -
Tadafumi Hashimoto
National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry -
Kaoru Yamada
Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo -
Yukiko Hori
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo -
Sho Takatori
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo